The weather is warm, and plenty of time at the beach, pool, or amusement parks can help to keep our spirits high. Summer is the season of love, friendship, parties, and fun in Chinese Medicine, and it feels great when things seem to align to support us and bring us together with loved ones…but what about when the national news headlines or personal struggles bring us anxiety or depression? While the fire element of the summer is in balance when it is connecting to others and in the energy of joy, it’s important to note that this time of the year can be challenging for those people who do not feel like they have a good social or support network in place locally, as well as for those who are empaths and extra sensitive to the suffering of others. Each summer, crime is more prevalent, and as studies have shown, the increase in warm weather equates to more violent activity.

It is difficult to process tragic events. However, what I remind myself and others is it is in our own power to affect change, not only with sharing our ideas, time, or money, but also with our energy. While it may sound trite to some, acts of love towards those who are hurting is just as important as signing petitions, donating funds, or contacting government officials regarding issues facing our country. Both types of action are necessary. Feeling connected is an essential part of the human experience, and it is life saving. In the spirit of the summer energy of love, joy, and connection, there are two things I ask of you, on behalf of the people who perhaps feel like they cannot ask for it:

  • Reach out to your friends and family members, especially those who you don’t talk to often. Is there a family member or friend who lives alone? Someone who has recently gone through a breakup, divorce, or loss? Anyone who doesn’t live near any of their family members and has said they haven’t really made any friends at work or in their town/city? Is there someone you know with a mental health diagnosis who could benefit from you checking in with them? Who is that person who always says they are fine, even when they aren’t? Do you have a neighbor you haven’t met yet?

Check in with those people and encourage your mutual friends or family to do the same. It can be a simple text, email, or phone call, but it can make all the difference in the world. Don’t be afraid to go deep in the conversation with them; asking, “how are you really?” can be the invitation they’ve been waiting for to share their struggles or even their wins. Not being able to share when things are going well for them can be just as much of a pain point as not being able to share when life gets tough. Give them the opening to talk about everything, and assure them that you are there to listen confidentially.

  • Spend a few minutes each night in meditation or prayer to send loving energy to those who need it. Whether or not you believe in any kind of power greater than ourselves, research has shown that there is power to prayer or energy. Here I use the word “prayer” to mean speaking out loud or in your mind the things you’d like to see manifest, so it is something that anyone can do. Both prayer and meditation can be incredibly powerful, and you can choose whichever one you feel most drawn to.

One of the ways that I have been finding hope and possibility is by spending a few minutes each night in meditation, envisioning sending loving, healing energy over my neighborhood, town, nearby cities, state, region or even the whole country. You don’t have to be any kind of master meditator to do this, either. If you’re able to visualize, just imagine a white, healing light coming from your heart, and spreading out from you, as far as you’d like to send it. After a few minutes, bring it back to yourself, but know that you’ve left the effects of that loving energy everywhere you’ve sent it. If you are unable to visualize things in your mind, speak your desires and wishes out loud or in your mind, knowing that the energy will reach the people who need it.

If you know someone who is hurting, or want to focus on people from the news who have suffered a loss or challenging circumstance, you can always focus your energy and prayers purely on them. There is no right or wrong way to pray or meditate. Our pure intentions will guarantee that loving energy is sent out into the world.

With these two simple actions, we can create a ripple effect in the love we send out to others. Just saying “hi” to someone can make their day, and let them know they matter. Human beings are designed to be social creatures and part of a community. It is up to each of us to create that community and to support one another, so that no one feels alone, or like they have to resort to violence towards themselves or others. We are all responsible for lifting each other up, and building the world we want to live in. I hope you will join me in practicing a season of love this summer, and in all of the seasons that follow.

Note: This article was originally published in a local magazine for their July 2022 issue. For citation references, please contact Dr. Yocum at