Gained the “COVID 19?” Chinese Medicine Can Help

Gained the “COVID 19?” Chinese Medicine Can Help

In my acupuncture practice, many patients have lamented about weight gain during the pandemic. Nicknamed the “COVID [insert however much weight you gained],” most Americans have packed on the pounds due to less activity and stress eating over the last 15 months. While...
Cultivating “Summer Energy” During a Pandemic

Cultivating “Summer Energy” During a Pandemic

Did you know that in Chinese Medicine, there are actually five seasons instead of four? The five seasons are: winter, spring, summer, late summer, and fall. Each season has an associated color, odor, sound, emotion, and two or more body organs. The seasons are said to...
The Great Conjunction + Winter Solstice

The Great Conjunction + Winter Solstice

I’m not typically one to discuss astrology on my platform, but today’s astrology is pretty darn powerful, and minimally there is some cool stuff to look at in the sky. Saturn and Jupiter have been inching closer to each other in the night sky, and they...
2020 Holiday Gift Guide

2020 Holiday Gift Guide

This year has been different than any other. Right now, we don’t even know if we will be able to celebrate the holidays with our families in-person, and I know that makes me a little sad since Christmas is my favorite holiday purely *because* of the...