What can you let go?

What can you let go?

  In Chinese Medicine, the season of Fall is the time of letting go.  Just like the trees let go of the leaves they no longer need, in order to create space for the new leaves to come, we too must let go of the things in our lives that no longer serve us, in...


I’ve seen this shorthand phrase over and over in my Facebook group for other moms-to-be, and it stands for “what’s for dinner?” Well, not only do starving pregnant women want to know and be inspired, but many people find themselves asking that question every night....
I’ve been MIA lately…

I’ve been MIA lately…

  Hi all, Admittedly, I’ve been MIA lately.  The end of last year and beginning of this year have brought some interesting challenges, surprises, and even manifestations of dreams I’ve had for quite a while, so you could say that I have been busy! Back in...
Why do we wait?

Why do we wait?

We always seem to wait until the New Year to think about things that we want, what we hope to do differently, and how this year we will be the person we were always meant to be.  This year I will lose weight.  This year I will quit smoking.  This year I will find the...
An Attitude of Gratitude

An Attitude of Gratitude

  As we approach Thanksgiving this Thursday, we are reminded to pause and give thanks for all the good things in our lives.  Many of us do not have situations anywhere near as dire as the pilgrims who all but died out in the harsh winters of the northeast, or...