Expectations vs. Goals

Expectations vs. Goals

  My name is Jen Yocum, I’m 33 years old, and I’m addicted to creating expectations for myself and others.  This morning I found myself in a nostalgic and saddened state on a crisp fall morning where the light has that silvery quality that only happens this time...
When do you know you’re on the right path?

When do you know you’re on the right path?

I’m not talking about your diet here, but rather, when do you know you’re on the correct path in your life, or as we acupuncturists call it, “walking your tao?”  Maybe you’ve never even thought about whether or not you are doing what you were put on this planet to do....
It’s Concord Grape Season!

It’s Concord Grape Season!

Have you ever wondered why grape flavored sodas, jellies, and candies taste the way they do?  If you’re like me and you never grew up ever being exposed to concord grapes, it’s a totally rational thought.  I mean, grape flavored things taste nothing like white/green...