Acupuncture & Yoga for Low Back Pain- Part II

Acupuncture & Yoga for Low Back Pain- Part II

In Part I, we discussed causes of low back pain from a physiological and energetic standpoint, and how Chinese Medicine can use acupuncture, diet, lifestyle changes, and herbs to help reduce or eliminate pain. One of the main lifestyle changes I recommend for patients...
Acupuncture & Yoga for Low Back Pain- Part I

Acupuncture & Yoga for Low Back Pain- Part I

Low back pain affects many Americans, and it is one of the most common reasons people walk through my door as an acupuncturist. The primary culprits that cause pain in the low back are disc issues (such as degenerative disc disease, or bulging, herniated, torn, or...
Get Inspired: Find Your Next Hobby

Get Inspired: Find Your Next Hobby

As the summer winds down, we find ourselves in the last precious moments of long, warm, carefree days before the schoolyear and fall starts, bringing new routines and busier schedules. We think of the summer as a time to send kids to all sorts of camps to ensure they...