Practicing Self-Love This Valentine’s Day

Practicing Self-Love This Valentine’s Day

Each New Year, many of us promise ourselves that this year will be different than the last; that this year we will lose the weight, find the partner, start exercising regularly, get that promotion, or reach whatever goal our heart is set on. By February, the vast...
Honoring the Winter Solstice

Honoring the Winter Solstice

In the Northern Hemisphere, the winter solstice occurs on December 21st and marks the shortest day and longest night of the year. Chinese Medicine holds that the winter solstice is not the beginning of winter, but rather the peak of the winter season and the most yin...
Finding Your Routine

Finding Your Routine

In Chinese Medicine, the fall season is associated with creating rituals and routines. Whether it is going back to work onsite, beginning a new job after having quit during The Great Resignation or losing a previous job, sending kids off to new schools, or some other...
The Five Cardinal Rules of Feng Shui

The Five Cardinal Rules of Feng Shui

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese system of home and living space design that uses Five Element theory and simple principles to help you achieve your life goals. Just like acupuncture can help bring balance to the body, mind, and spirit, feng shui can bring balance to...
Acupuncture & Yoga for Low Back Pain- Part II

Acupuncture & Yoga for Low Back Pain- Part II

In Part I, we discussed causes of low back pain from a physiological and energetic standpoint, and how Chinese Medicine can use acupuncture, diet, lifestyle changes, and herbs to help reduce or eliminate pain. One of the main lifestyle changes I recommend for patients...

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